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Our Specialists in Integrative & Complementary Medicine

profile pic of Lissoni
Prof. Paolo Lissoni

Prof. Lissoni is considered the father of Psychoneuroendocrinoimmunology (PNEI).

  • Prof. Lissoni was born in Milan in 1954. After graduating from the Liceo Beccaria in Milan in 1973, he successfully began his studies in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Milan, graduating with honors in 1979.
  • He then obtained medical specializations in Endocrinology at the University of Pavia, in Medical Oncology and Internal Medicine at the University of Milan. He was medical director in charge of the Medical Oncology service of the Oncological Radiotherapy department of the San Gerardo hospital in Monza.
  • He was Professor of the elective course of Neuroimmunomodulation in solid tumors at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Milano-Bicocca. Experimental and clinical research conducted for more than twenty years in the field of Psychoneuroimmunology resulted in over 500 scientific publications in national and foreign journals. These studies have made a decisive contribution at an international level, in particular on the physiology of the pineal gland, on the psychoneuroendocrine evaluation of cancer patients, on the prognostic significance of prolactin in breast cancer, on the evolution of tumor immunotherapy with interleukin-2 (IL- 2) and on the immunoendocrine pathophysiology in cancer patients.
  • Find out more : PNEI therapy
    profile pic of Manini
    Dr. Fabio Manini

  • Dr. Manini Fabio graduated in Medicine from the Medical University of Florence in 1984.
  • Specializing in thoracic surgery, he practices his profession at the Careggi University Hospital.
  • He is one of the most renowned surgeons in Tuscany. For about 22 years, he has been involved in alternative therapies such as MTD Therapy (Di Bella multi-therapy) for oncology patients who cannot undergo conventional treatments. Cancer prevention is also part of his medical practice.
  • Find out more : Di Bella method
    profile pic of Santi
    Dr. Roberto Santi

    Dr. Roberto Santi is an expert in biotherapy and psycho-neuro-endocrine immunology (PNEI).

  • Graduated in medicine and surgery, and specialized in gastroenterology and in hygiene and preventive medicine at the University of Genoa.
  • Author of several publications on gastroenterology, rheumatoid arthritis, myocardial infarction, brain tumor, Osgodd-Schlatter syndrome and the resolution of intermittent claudication.
  • Epidemiologist at the ASL2 of San Remo. Head of Environmental Hygiene and expert in related diseases.
  • Find out more : Biotherapy
    profile pic of Hadjiev
    Prof. Nasya Hadjieva

    Prof. Hadjieva was born in Plovdiv in 1948. She graduated from Plovdiv Medical University in 1973.

  • In 1974 she started her full-time postgraduate studies in virology at the National Center for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases - Sofia.
  • In 1980 she successfully defended her thesis and obtained the scientific and educational title Candidate of Medical Sciences. In the same year Prof. Hadjieva began working as an assistant professor in the Department of Microbiology at the Sofia Medical University.
  • Prof. Hadjieva is head of the laboratory at Microbiology and Virology at Queen Joanna Hospital - Sofia.
  • Find out more : Immunotherapy
    profile pic of Petrov
    Prof. Mihail Petrov

    Prof. Mihail Petrov graduated from Sofia Medical University in 2000.

  • In 2002 he became PhD in Microbiology at the National Center for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases - Sofia. In 2006 he successfully defended his thesis and obtained the scientific and educational title of Doctor of Medicine with a specialization in microbiology.
  • In the 2007-2011 period, Prof. Mihail Petrov worked at the National Reference Laboratory "Control and Monitoring of Resistance to Antibiotics" at the Department of Microbiology of the National Center for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases - Sofia.
  • In 2010 he became Associate Professor and was appointed to the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the University of Medicine - Plovdiv.
  • Find out more : Immunotherapy
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